Homemade Buttermilk

Homemade buttermilk

Homemade buttermilk sounds so good to me. There are recipes that require buttermilk for a tender and moist texture. Usually I don’t have it in my fridge. But that’s not a problem since I’ve learned a very simple way to make my own buttermilk substitute with only two ingredients in less than 10 minutes.

There are actually more ways to make homemade buttermilk using milk and vinegar, milk and yogurt, milk and sour cream or milk and lemon juice.

I prefer to use whole milk and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Homemade buttermilk

All you have to do is to add 2 tablespoons juice to 1 cup of milk.

Stir to combine and let sit for about 5 minutes or until the milk begins to curdle.

Now you can use it in your recipe or keep in the fridge for a couple of days.

You can use any type of milk, whole, skim or even almond milk, all work great!

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